How to Come Up with Ideas for Blog Content

Blog it


Blog it 〰️

What has happened to you lately that you could turn into a blog post? We all know that creating original content is key to keeping our brand current, but sometimes people get stuck.

So think...what happened that you can use to draw a parallel to your business? It could be a small thing:

The article you read on the value of old dinnerware prompts you to write a post about displaying dishes in your breakfront for your organizing business.

A conversation about your daughter's friends moving out of the city gave you an idea about an article on low inventory on suburban homes for your mortgage business.

A nurse you know is collecting medial supplies to send to Ukraine, giving you the idea to write a story on ways people are helping out.

Your son is coming home for spring break this weekend and your "nest" will be filled again, giving fodder to a post for your coaching practice for Empty Nesters.

Drawing on our own experiences to create original content for our websites is genuine, and when you are authentic that will resonate with clients.

I told a potential client on a call yesterday that the message she was sending on her website and social media posts did not mesh with the personality that was coming through on the call. Does yours match?

Be bold--don't shy away from sharing your fun personality!

That personality IS your brand, and that is what people want to buy.

Be creative. I promise you that once you get the practice started you will get more and more ideas for posts. Keep a notebook of ideas.

Anything come to mind?


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